18 Health Hacks For 2017
Have you resolved to take more of an interest in your health and wellbeing for 2017? Here, Vogue contributing editor Calgary Avansino shares her advice for a healthy and happy new year.
A stint of having nutritious food delivered to your home or office can do a world of good to kick-start new habits and get you into a good routine. Here are a few great choices to get the goodness flowing…
Spring Green London, from £36, www.springgreenlondon.com,
Fresh Fitness Food, from £20 per day, www.freshfitnessfood.com,
Munch Fit, £10.25 per meal when three meals delivered daily (one-month plan), www.munchfit.co.uk.
It’s that time of year again… the moment we take stock, reassess, make commitments and look ahead with a plan. It shouldn’t be a time of guilt or deprivation, but instead a time of optimism and renewal – gradual and sustainable change is about the whole year, not just January! To help keep you motivated I’ve put together a fun list of 18 ideas with everything from a new morning routine and safer ways to clean your home to new foodie haunts and cool kit. Explore 18 health and fitness tips for 2017.Enjoy!
Break out of the black legging habit; it’s all about grey kit for grey days.
Asquith Wear Everywhere Track Pants, £79, www.asquithlondon.com,
BEHERE&LOVE Namaste Gradient Cropped Jumper, £65, www.behereandlove.com,
LNDR AERO Sports Bra, £40, www.lndr.uk,
Ana Heart Let’s Yoge Tee Shirt, £55, www.anaheart.co.uk.
Stuck in a rut? Add these to yoghurt, porridge or an acai bowl for added sustenance.
Naturya Breakfast Boost (available in three flavours), from £6.99, www.naturya.com.
Home body workouts mean you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home to reap the benefits of a good burst of exercise. Check out the many websites and apps that facilitate a positive sweat…
Yogi 2 Me, www.yogi2me.com,
YogaGlo, www.yogaglo.com,
Sleek Technique, www.sleektechnique.com,
Movement For Modern Life, www.movementformodernlife.com,
FitnessGlo, www.fitnessglo.com,
Barrecore, www.barrecore.co.uk,
Mind Body Green, www.mindbodygreen.com.
Start your day right – create a routine and stick to it. I start my day with lukewarm water and lemon, which wakes me up and gets things moving. Not only does it add a much-needed burst of vitamin C into my day – perfect for fighting colds and boosting immunity – it also helps to flush the digestive system and rehydrate the body. It’s alkalising once inside our body, which is great for balancing pH levels, and it’s also super refreshing.
A fully recycled jacket from Adidas by Stella McCartney makes you feel good about covering up when you run. It’s made using recycled polyester – a synthetic fibre based on post-consumer waste - and ClimaStorm technology for breathable extreme weather protection.
Adidas by Stella McCartney Run MT Jacket, £129.95 at www.adidas.co.uk from January 15.
Re-stock your bookshelves with some great new reads – there’ll be plenty of inspiration, motivation and recipes packed within their pages to keep you going throughout the year.
Plenish: Fuel Your Ambition by Kara Rosen, £14.99
Porridge: Oats + Grains + Seeds + Rice by Anni Kravi, £12.99
Fit In 3: The Scandi Plan by Faya Nilsson, £16.99
Ones to watch out for…
Nourish & Glow: The 10-Day Plan by Amelia Freer, £16.99, published March 2017
Fertile: Nourish and Balance Your Body Ready For Baby Making by Emma Cannon, £20, published March 2017
“Real” sources of protein are always best but if you’ve got picky little eaters or you’re always on the go, sometimes it’s hard to get enough from food alone. These two brands sort that problem out brilliantly. WelleCo has crafted a blend specifically for little bodies while Innermost has packed in lots of ingredients that will help support the immune system.
WelleCo Kids Nourishing Protein, £26, www.welleco.co.uk,
Innermost Vegan Superfood Protein Blend, £25, www.liveinnermost.com.
Don’t judge a vegetable by its skin; they don’t have to be beautiful and perfect to be delicious and nutritious. We waste an extraordinary amount of produce because of the way it looks but that seems to be changing…
Wonky Veg Boxes from £8.99, www.wonkyvegboxes.co.uk,
Riverford 100% Organic Wonky Veg Boxes from £10.35, www.riverford.co.uk,
ASDA Wonky Veg Boxes from £3.50, your.asda.com.
The best way to brighten up your January is with colourful kit; treat yourself to something cheerful. Here are a few of my favourite new pieces...
P.E Nation Longest Yard 7/8 legging, £110, www.pe-nation.com,
Lululemon X Central Saint Martins Limited-Edition Energy Bra, £68, available exclusively at Lululemon, 187-191 Regent Street, London,
Monreal Hero Shorts Rainbow Print, £140, www.monreallondon.com,
Harvey & Mills Abstract Set, £100, www.harveyandmills.com,
LIVE! Passion Tight, £79, www.liveclothing.uk.
When you take the time to cook, don’t just cook for one meal; cook for the future. Pesto, tomato sauces, curries and soups are great things to make in large batches and freeze in small portions. With pesto, a top tip is to freeze small blocks in ice cube trays so you always have the perfect amount to add quickly into meals.
If you care about the quality of food you put in your body and the ingredients in the beauty products you put on your skin, it’s important to start examining the products you clean and freshen your home with every day…
58 South Molton Street is a sanctuary in London offering the best holistic treatments, and they have now created a nurturing line of lifestyle products too. Crafted free from parabens, sulphates and harsh additives, the Balancing Room Spray will clear and liven up any space. 58 Lifestyle Balancing Room Spray, £24, www.58lifestyle.com.
I love new brand Tincture, which uses potent, natural botanicals based on ancient monasterial knowledge for their antibacterial properties. They smell real because they are real, meaning you can clean your house chemical-free. From £7.50, www.tincturelondon.com.
Heavenly, relaxing aromatherapy smells for any room, made even fresher with the knowledge that they’re 100 per cent natural too. 1001 Remedies Aromatherapy PurAir Room Spray, £24, www.1001remedies.com.
Core Collective not only offers phenomenally good classes but they also offer a mouth-watering post-workout menu to fuel the rest of your day. Choose from a delicious green bowl with kale, spinach, chard, avocado, poached eggs and dukkah – or coconut porridge, homemade granola or buckwheat waffles – plus they’ve just launched a new smoothie menu.
Core Collective, 45 Phillimore Walk, Holland Park, London W8 7RZ.
Nut butters are great ingredients to add into dips, sauces and baking. These new 1kg tubs from Pip and Nut will inspire you to get cooking, baking and nibbling.
Pip and Nut Nut Butter (1kg) available in three flavours from £6.99, www.pipandnut.com.
The chicest of wearables; the new Altruis X bracelets help you track your movements, daily habits, sleep patterns and help you stay balanced and conscious of down time. Available in five different styles, you can also link it with the Vinaya app to get custom insights into your day as well as breathing exercises, notification filtering and deep sound meditations.
Vinaya Altruis X, from £89, www.vinaya.com.
For the little bit of Gemini in all of us, here are two fusion fitness classes that embrace duality in all the right ways.
Mix barre and boxing at Boxerina at Paola’s Bodybarre, www.paolasbodybarre.com.
Combine HIIT and nights out with HIITBOX at Ministry of Sound, www.ministryofsound.com/fitness.
You’ve probably had enough of booze for a while but when you do indulge, remember not to load your cocktails with sugar. Be aware of how much sugar is in soda, fruit juices and traditional mixers. Skinny Lemon is the perfect mixer for vodka or tequila, made with pure lemon and stevia.
Jenna's Food & Drink Skinny Lemon: The Upgraded Diet Drink, £2.10, www.31dover.com.
London offers us endless opportunities to eat nourishing food – so take advantage of all the newest hotspots! Try to add restaurants that will fuel your days with nutrient-dense and delicious meals into your 2017 routine.
Squirrel, 11 Harrington Rd, South Kensington SW7 3ES, www.wearesquirrel.com,
East By West at Maiyet, 40-41 Conduit Street, London W1S 2YQ, www.eastbywestlondon.com,
Jusu Brothers, 147-149 Westbourne Grove, London W11 2RS, www.jusubrothers.com,
Hemsley + Hemsley Good To Go Pop-up at Selfridges Food Hall, 400 Oxford St, London W1A 1AB from January 9, www.hemsleyandhemsley.com.
See article on Vogue website
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